April 26, 2021
For Immediate Release
For more information: Chad Wilbanks 512-423-0049
Texas Voters Show Strong Support for Legislation Protecting Free Speech on Social Media
AUSTIN, TEXAS – A new poll commissioned by the Hispanic Republicans of Texas shows 62% statewide support among Texas voters for legislation that would protect free speech on social networks by preventing them from blocking, banning, or discriminating against a user based only on their viewpoint. The poll result shows that Texas voters agree with Senator Bryan Hughes’ legislation, Senate Bill 12, which would require social media platforms to regularly disclose how often they take actions to remove content or suspend accounts.
Moreover, the poll found that voters by a more than two to one margin would be inclined to favorably support their legislator’s reelection if they supported the legislation.
Mano DeAyala, Chairman of the Hispanic Republicans of Texas, noted, “Texans are sick and tired of being censored on social media networks for their viewpoints. Texas lawmakers have the opportunity to protect free speech online and making social media networks more transparent and accountable by passing Senator Bryan Hughes’ Senate Bill 12 and sending it to Governor Abbot’s desk for his signature.”
He continued, “Big Tech companies have grown too strong and too dominant. Big tech platforms should not be allowed to unlawfully censor or block users from expressing free speech. Texas lawmakers have an opportunity to make Texas a national leader in protecting free speech on social networks.”
The statewide poll full result are as follows:
· 64% of voters support a bill that has been introduced in the Texas Legislature that would make social media platforms that operate in Texas - such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube – more transparent and accountable by not allowing them to block, ban or discriminate against a user based only on their viewpoint and by requiring social media platforms to regularly disclose how often they take actions regarding content removal, and account suspensions
· 62% of voters would vote to re-elect their state legislator if he or she supported the bill to make social media platforms more transparent and accountable to Texas consumers.
This survey was conducted by Baselice & Associates, Inc. on April 12-15, 2021, among N=800 likely voters in Texas. The margin of error to the results of this survey is + 3.5% at the .95 confidence level.
The Hispanic Republicans of Texas will recruit, elect, support and defend Hispanic Republican officeholders and candidates for state and local elected offices who share our common values of faith, family, lower taxes, less regulations and less government spending to promote individual prosperity and economic growth in Texas.